When life gives you lemons, pull out your copy of Photoshop or GIMP :)

What a whirlwind of a fortnight.

I got rejected for a job in a new career path I had been interviewing and sitting exams for since LAST OCTOBER.

I got depressed and resigned from my current job any way.

I bought a $3,000 bed that I now can't really afford to pay off.

I decided I'll go back and study. (I've had a full time job since I was 17. This shall be interesting)

And then I decided to get crafty.

On my way to the aforementioned job rejection, I popped in quickly to my Mum's farm to visit my cat, Rolly. (the job interview was slightly out of town, very close to the farm)

I took a few photos, as I do when I visit my Fatman, and one friend made a great comment on a seemingly normal photo.

Bitten by a combination of the inspiration bug and the rejection bug, I Googled random stock photos, double-clicked on GIMP and began to send "Air Rolly" on some adventures.

Much Space.
Very Fence.
Much Travel.

Very Bellagio.

So Dunk. 

Much WoW. Very Moonkin. 

Superior Fly. F**k U Cate Air.

Many romantic. 
Ok... So I got kinda carried away, but it also helped cheer me up and keep positive about my new path in life I had just thrown myself into.

Where do you think Air Rolly should adventure to next?

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Casadella: When life gives you lemons, pull out your copy of Photoshop or GIMP :)

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

When life gives you lemons, pull out your copy of Photoshop or GIMP :)

What a whirlwind of a fortnight.

I got rejected for a job in a new career path I had been interviewing and sitting exams for since LAST OCTOBER.

I got depressed and resigned from my current job any way.

I bought a $3,000 bed that I now can't really afford to pay off.

I decided I'll go back and study. (I've had a full time job since I was 17. This shall be interesting)

And then I decided to get crafty.

On my way to the aforementioned job rejection, I popped in quickly to my Mum's farm to visit my cat, Rolly. (the job interview was slightly out of town, very close to the farm)

I took a few photos, as I do when I visit my Fatman, and one friend made a great comment on a seemingly normal photo.

Bitten by a combination of the inspiration bug and the rejection bug, I Googled random stock photos, double-clicked on GIMP and began to send "Air Rolly" on some adventures.

Much Space.
Very Fence.
Much Travel.

Very Bellagio.

So Dunk. 

Much WoW. Very Moonkin. 

Superior Fly. F**k U Cate Air.

Many romantic. 
Ok... So I got kinda carried away, but it also helped cheer me up and keep positive about my new path in life I had just thrown myself into.

Where do you think Air Rolly should adventure to next?

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At January 28, 2014 at 2:41 AM , Blogger Neri said...

I think there needs to be a pic of Air Rolly high fiving himself. One Rolly just isn't enough!

Chin up. As corny as it sounds, it's always darkest before dawn. 2014 is still young and things can only get better! <3

At January 30, 2014 at 6:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your new job opportunity but great effort on the pics.

At January 31, 2014 at 2:40 PM , Blogger Casadella said...

Thanks for the idea. I hope you enjoyed the Air Rolly knuckle bump I posted to face book in your honor ;D

And thank you <3

At January 31, 2014 at 2:41 PM , Blogger Casadella said...

Thank you for your kind words! I was pretty bummed about it, but can happily say now it wasn't meant to be. Night shifts, bleh!

I appear to have secured a cozy part time job to supplement my study, so things are definitely looking up! <3


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