I'll never complain about queue times again!

My priest Casarah on Blackrock finally hit 90 today. She was my PVP God in Cata and had barely been touched, so I figured it was her turn to join the big kids. My other level 90s had been working hard to collect Timeless Isle Cloth Gear for her, so I was happy to finally be able to put them to use!


Decked out in almost a full set, I was brave and flew over to the Timeless Isle. And then proceeded to get camped by a rogue. I had forgotten how different it was to play on a PVP server! I know getting smushed by the rival faction is all a part of the game, but boy does it frustrate me now after being spoilt on safe old Saurfang.
Thanks, Captain Obvious.
After getting cranky, I flicked over to Runetotem and logged on to level 80 Casadella. Trying to be a multitasking genius, I planned to do the following. Level and farm herbs and level Alchemy at the same time, both from zero. Fight Pet Battles in each herb farming zone. All whilst being queued for level-appropriate dungeons that I still needed achievements for. Pretty good idea, right? Plenty of fun whilst waiting for the queue to pop! The queue will pop in no time with me having so much other stuff going on, right?



Two hours and 40 minutes later I had only acquired a single DPS. 

Now in fairness, I am queuing on a low population server. And not only am I queuing for a level 80 Wrath dungeon (which you still get XP for, but when you can queue for Cata instances at the same level for far better gear?...) I am queueing for the most widely hated Wrath instance. You know the one. The one where you would see the load screen and you wouldn't even wait for it to finish loading to leave group. You would just ALT+F4 on WoW and walk away.

Remember me? My name is Oculus and I am a jerk!

It was a smart idea in theory, my multi-tasking plan. I just didn't think everything through first.

How do you beat the boredom of waiting in queues?

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Casadella: I'll never complain about queue times again!

Monday, February 3, 2014

I'll never complain about queue times again!

My priest Casarah on Blackrock finally hit 90 today. She was my PVP God in Cata and had barely been touched, so I figured it was her turn to join the big kids. My other level 90s had been working hard to collect Timeless Isle Cloth Gear for her, so I was happy to finally be able to put them to use!


Decked out in almost a full set, I was brave and flew over to the Timeless Isle. And then proceeded to get camped by a rogue. I had forgotten how different it was to play on a PVP server! I know getting smushed by the rival faction is all a part of the game, but boy does it frustrate me now after being spoilt on safe old Saurfang.
Thanks, Captain Obvious.
After getting cranky, I flicked over to Runetotem and logged on to level 80 Casadella. Trying to be a multitasking genius, I planned to do the following. Level and farm herbs and level Alchemy at the same time, both from zero. Fight Pet Battles in each herb farming zone. All whilst being queued for level-appropriate dungeons that I still needed achievements for. Pretty good idea, right? Plenty of fun whilst waiting for the queue to pop! The queue will pop in no time with me having so much other stuff going on, right?



Two hours and 40 minutes later I had only acquired a single DPS. 

Now in fairness, I am queuing on a low population server. And not only am I queuing for a level 80 Wrath dungeon (which you still get XP for, but when you can queue for Cata instances at the same level for far better gear?...) I am queueing for the most widely hated Wrath instance. You know the one. The one where you would see the load screen and you wouldn't even wait for it to finish loading to leave group. You would just ALT+F4 on WoW and walk away.

Remember me? My name is Oculus and I am a jerk!

It was a smart idea in theory, my multi-tasking plan. I just didn't think everything through first.

How do you beat the boredom of waiting in queues?

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